candy crush level 48 cheats

Candy Crush: Level 48
Level Type: Jelly

These Candy Crush Level 48 cheats will help you beat level 48 on Candy Crush Saga easily. Candy Crush level 48 is the thirteenth level in Chocolate Mountains and the 25th jelly level. To beat this level, you must crush 21 double jelly squares in 35 moves or fewer. You have 6 candy colors and 73 available spaces. You can get a maximum of 125,000 points.

Strategy: Plan every move and aim for clearing at least 2 jellies at each move. Check if there is any possible combinations to produce special candies. Focus on clearing the liquorice locks before going further. Be sure to check the amount of points earned as it is possible to get less than 70,000 points.

It may be hard to free the liquorice locks since there is not much room in the middle. Also there are few spaces to create special candies at the beginning of the game. The jellies are worth 42,000 points. Hence, an additional 28,000 points is required to earn one star.

Crush Level Saga Level 48 Details

Level Type: Jelly (See all Level Types)
Episode: Candy Town
Goal: crush 21 double jelly squares in 35 moves or fewer.
Candy Colors: 6
Max Score: 125,000 / 3 Stars

Here are the cheats and tips on how to beat Candy Crush level 48:

Candy Crush Level 48 Cheats

  • Focus on the center.
    Candy Crush Level 48 tip
  • Get striped candies in line with the center.
    Candy Crush Level 48 cheats
  • When in doubt, start from the bottom .
    Candy Crush Level 48 help

Level 48 Tips & Help

1It may be tempting to clear candies wherever you see them, but for this level, always focus on the center first. If you have multiple options for clearing candies near the center, always start at the top, since clearing the lower candies may ruin any good matches you could make higher up.

2Match 4 or 5 candies in a row whenever you can–they will help you clear more candies when you line them up with the center. special candies closer to the top or center are the most useful. A striped candy in the lower left corner won’t do much good, but it can be useful if you have little else to do.

3If you can’t do much that affects the very center of the board, try clearing candies at the bottom. Clearing candies at the bottom can make new combinations in the middle that can help you clear licorice x’s or jelly.

Candy Crush Level 48 Video Guide


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