candy crush level 545 cheats

Candy Crush: Level 545
Level Type: Jelly

These Candy Crush Level 545 cheats will help you beat level 545 on Candy Crush Saga easily. Candy Crush level 545 is the fifteenth and last level in Sticky Savannah and the 234rd jelly level. To beat this level, you must crush 17 double jelly squares in 30 moves or fewer. You have 5 candy colors and 73 available spaces. You can get a maximum of 140,000 points.

Strategy: Blast through the icing. You may want to disarm the bombs with striped candies early. Clearing the liquorice swirls should be the next step. color bombs and the color bomb + striped candy combination are perfect for clearing the remaining jellies.

All jellies are under liquorice swirls or candy bombs. The bombs are isolated from the main board by five-layered icing. The good news is, none of the blockers will respawn. Clearing the jellies in the corners of the bottom row is the most challenging part. Make sure you have great skill. Having only five colors makes it easier to create special candy. The jellies are worth 34,000 points. Hence, an additional 16,000 points is required for one star.

Crush Level Saga Level 545 Details

Level Type: Jelly (See all Level Types)
Episode: Candy Town
Goal: crush 17 double jelly squares in 30 moves or fewer.
Candy Colors: 5
Max Score: 140,000 / 3 Stars

Here are the cheats and tips on how to beat Candy Crush level 545:

Candy Crush Level 545 Cheats

  • Take care of the candy bombs sooner rather than later.
    Candy Crush Level 545 tip
  • Eliminate the meringues as quickly as possible.
    Candy Crush Level 545 cheats
  • Finish off the licorice when you have one unified board.
    Candy Crush Level 545 help

Level 545 Tips & Help

1The candy bombs have timers of 15 moves on them, but you are still going to want to get rid of them as soon as you can. This is doable in two main ways. You can try to form a color bomb, which is quite easy in level 545, and then match the color bomb with a candy that is the same color as the candy bomb on the conveyor belt to eliminate the candy bomb from afar. Also, you can choose to bust through the row of meringues at the bottom of the board. Bursting through the meringues will be a much more difficult, move consuming process, so we recommend that you try for color bombs. To easily get at least one color bomb, use the board reset cheat to ensure that you are dealt a good board of candies for making color bombs. If you don’t know how to reset your board, you can check out our guide!.

2If you chose the color bomb path mentioned in Cheat #1, the next thing you will want to do is take care of the meringues at the bottom of the board. The meringues are multi-layered, so it is going to take quite a while to eliminate them to get access to the licorice and jelly below. Use wrapped candies to eliminate chunks of several meringues at once. If you can get a striped candy in the same row as the meringues that is ideal, and you can use it to clear the entire row of a layer.

3Once the meringues are finished, you will have one unified board with which you can easily make large candy combos to clear the rest of the jelly. Shoot for special candy combos. A color bomb + striped candy combination will be the most effective, and if there is a candy of the same color in the bottom row of jelly then you are in luck because it will be turned into a striped candy. You’ll then have a 50/50 chance of the candy eliminating the whole row!.

Candy Crush Level 545 Video Guide


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