candy crush level 900 cheats

Candy Crush: Level 900
Episode: Crumbly Coast
Level Type: Candy Order

These Candy Crush Level 900 cheats will help you beat level 900 on Candy Crush Saga easily. Candy Crush level 900 is the tenth level in Crumbly Coast and the 194th candy order level. To beat this level, you must collect 5 color bombs and 20 striped candies in 50 moves or fewer. You have 5 candy colors and 79 available spaces. You can get a maximum of 100,000 points.

Strategy: Focus on making color bombs, as this is the hardest part of the order. When an opportunity to make a wrapped or a striped candy arises, check whether the configuration can easily be added to make a color bomb. If so, try to set up the color bomb, otherwise, make the other special candy right away. Combine the first three color bombs with a regular candy, or preferably (if available) a wrapped candy. This reduces the number of colors and helps make more color bombs, and possibly another wrapped you can combine. Try to combine one of the last two with a striped candy, to help fill your striped candy order.

The layout of the board makes it difficult to create the required color bombs. There are a lot of chocolate spawners to make things more complicated. However, only one chocolate spawner works per move. The orders are worth 25,000 points. Hence, an additional 30,000 points is required to earn one star.

Crush Level Saga Level 900 Details

Level Type: Candy Order (See all Level Types)
Episode: Candy Town
Goal: collect 5 color bombs and 20 striped candies in 50 moves or fewer.
Candy Colors: 5
Max Score: 100,000 / 3 Stars

Here are the cheats and tips on how to beat Candy Crush level 900:

Candy Crush Level 900 Cheats

  • Prevent the chocolate from spreading
    Candy Crush Level 900 tip
  • Focus on color bombs
    Candy Crush Level 900 cheats
  • Take your time!
    Candy Crush Level 900 help

Level 900 Tips & Help




Candy Crush Level 900 Video Guide



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