candy crush level 1069 cheats

Candy Crush: Level 1069
Level Type: Jelly

These Candy Crush Level 1069 cheats will help you beat level 1069 on Candy Crush Saga easily. Candy Crush level 1069 is the fourteenth level in Siberian Sorbet and the 482nd jelly level. To beat this level, you must crush 26 double jelly squares in 50 moves or fewer. You have 5 candy colors and 77 available spaces. You can get a maximum of 300,000 points.

Strategy: Aggressive chocolate can be your friend or foe on this board – foe if it eats one of those precious wrapped candies as soon as you release it, friend if it gobbles up a hard-to-reach bomb for you. It is easy to get lost or confused in the mixture of things going on here, but there really is only one strategy that works; open up the board and let the cascades and combinations do most of your work for you. In order to open up the board, you will need a bit of luck but also to focus on making that opening-up happen. A color bomb + striped candy combination or a wrapped + wrapped candy combination early on will get things moving for you nicely, but they are rare in the opening stages. Unless or until you get “a big one” for opening up, just focus on chiseling away at blockers. Destroying those keys, try to block the key-holes with plain candies so you can worry less about bombs, controlling chocolate etc. are useful but secondary items. Once the opening up and resulting popcorn based color bombs start coming, you should be only 10 to 15 moves away from closing out, so you have a fair bit of time to manoeuvre into that opening up position. Alternative strategy: Focus on hitting the popcorn instead of the blockers. Striped and wrapped candy combinations are the best way to do this as they can hit several popcorn at the time and destroying the chocolate as well, and creating them should not be too hard. Strategically-placed individual striped candies or individual wrapped candies are also useful. After the color bombs are released, try to combine them with striped candies for maximum effect. Or, if you have a conveniently-placed striped candies to hit the other popcorn, you can use the color bomb to help activate them.

All jelly squares are underneath the blockers. Once the player remove the sugar keys, chocolate or five-layered icing under the cannons, eight-move candy bombs will start raining from the cannons. The jellies are worth 52,000 points, which is more than the one star target score.

Crush Level Saga Level 1069 Details

Level Type: Jelly (See all Level Types)
Episode: Candy Town
Goal: crush 26 double jelly squares in 50 moves or fewer.
Candy Colors: 5
Max Score: 300,000 / 3 Stars

Here are the cheats and tips on how to beat Candy Crush level 1069:

Candy Crush Level 1069 Cheats

  • Clear the sugar chest first
    Candy Crush Level 1069 tip
  • Focus on the remaining blockers
    Candy Crush Level 1069 cheats
  • Maximize on special candies to clear the remaining jellies
    Candy Crush Level 1069 help

Level 1069 Tips & Help




Candy Crush Level 1069 Video Guide


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