candy crush level 281 cheats

Candy Crush: Level 281
Level Type: Candy Order

These Candy Crush Level 281 cheats will help you beat level 281 on Candy Crush Saga easily. Candy Crush level 281 is the sixth level in Candy Clouds (Episode 20) and the 50th candy order level. To beat this level, you must collect 300 green candies in 50 moves or fewer. You have 4 candy colors and 81 available spaces. You can get a maximum of 30,000 points.

Strategy: Break through the icings to open up the board. With only four colors, it is easy to make large-scale cascades, as long as you start from the bottom and constantly make special candies. By doing that, 300 order candies should eventually be collected.

There are a lot of candies to collect, and the board is almost filled with icing, so this level may look hard and it is possible to fail. Despite all that, it is very easy to create special candies, as there are four colors. The player has only 50 moves to collect all 300 green candies, meaning that he/she has to collect at least six green candies in each move. The order is worth 30,000 points, which is equal to the three star target score.

Crush Level Saga Level 281 Details

Level Type: Candy Order (See all Level Types)
Episode: Candy Town
Goal: collect 300 green candies in 50 moves or fewer.
Candy Colors: 4
Max Score: 30,000 / 3 Stars

Here are the cheats and tips on how to beat Candy Crush level 281:

Candy Crush Level 281 Cheats

  • Break the Meringue.
    Candy Crush Level 281 tip
  • Take Advantage of Only 4 Colors.
    Candy Crush Level 281 cheats
  • Don’t Worry About Points.
    Candy Crush Level 281 help

Level 281 Tips & Help

1You start out with only pieces of candy surrounded by meringue. It’s obvious that you have to break out of the entrapment so more candies can fall. A couple of matches will give you enough space and candies so you can begin to make special candies.

2There are only 4 colored candies in this level. This makes it much easier to create matches and special candies. Combine special candies to make power-ups and clear out more space while racking up points.

3Breaking all the meringue will take care of the points itself. The goal is only 10,000 points, which is a very small number for a level like this, especially having to collect 300 green candies.

Candy Crush Level 281 Video Guide


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