candy crush level 582 cheats

Candy Crush: Level 582
Episode: Gummy Gardens
Level Type: Jelly

These Candy Crush Level 582 cheats will help you beat level 582 on Candy Crush Saga easily. Candy Crush level 582 is the seventh level in Gummy Gardens and the 253rd jelly level. To beat this level, you must crush 25 double jelly squares in 30 moves or fewer. You have 6 candy colors and 81 available spaces. You can get a maximum of 100,000 points.

Strategy: Break through the top row of icing as soon as possible, so candies can fill empty spaces below. Clear jellies from the bottom up, to take advantage of cascades. This level bears resemblance to level 1060.

The candy bombs move along the conveyor belt in a small space, so that it is difficult to make matches to get rid of them. There are three rows of icing, reducing board spaces. It can be difficult to clear all the jellies in 30 moves. The jellies are worth 50,000 points, which is more than the one star target score.

Crush Level Saga Level 582 Details

Level Type: Jelly (See all Level Types)
Episode: Candy Town
Goal: crush 25 double jelly squares in 30 moves or fewer.
Candy Colors: 6
Max Score: 100,000 / 3 Stars

Here are the cheats and tips on how to beat Candy Crush level 582:

Candy Crush Level 582 Cheats

  • Clear the multi-layered meringue.
    Candy Crush Level 582 tip
  • Keep track of the candy bombs.
    Candy Crush Level 582 cheats
  • Create special candies.
    Candy Crush Level 582 help

Level 582 Tips & Help

1Focus on clearing the top row of meringue first. Since this row is blocking the remainder of the board, you will need to clear a majority of the top row first. This will help you to not only get to the jelly, but also clear the bombs on the board. Since it will take you multiple combinations, be patient and continue to look at the candy filled rows above to make sure you do not miss a great opportunity.

2The candy bombs will enter the board on the conveyor belt. The bombs will have a time/move limit of 16 moves. This means you will need to clear the top layer of meringue and jelly to allow more candies onto the conveyor belt. If there are no candies coming onto the belt, you will not get the chance to clear the bombs. Make sure you keep track of the time limit left on the bombs. You do not want to lose track and have them explode during the level.

3When possible, create special candies. The special candies will help you to clear the meringue and jelly squares that are left on the board more effectively. Try to create vertically stripped candies when possible. Align the special candy with a column that has multi-layered meringue or jelly squares. When the board is opened up from the meringue, look to combine two special candies together.

Candy Crush Level 582 Video Guide


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