candy crush level 1061 cheats

Candy Crush: Level 1061
Level Type: Jelly

These Candy Crush Level 1061 cheats will help you beat level 1061 on Candy Crush Saga easily. Candy Crush level 1061 is the sixth level in Siberian Sorbet and the 478th jelly level. To beat this level, you must crush 56 double jelly squares in 35 moves or fewer. You have 5 candy colors and 73 available spaces. You can get a maximum of 400,000 points.

Strategy: The locked chocolate comes into its own here, making it very hard to open the board up and relatively easy for the released chocolate to run riot. Worse, the bottom two quadrants are hollow, making them even harder to form specials in than the more regular “four by four” boards. Unless you get a board that starts to open up quite quickly, you have probably had it and might as well give up. Even when the board opens up quite quickly, thirty-five moves is barely enough. A striped + wrapped mix is very rare but absolutely the best for opening things up, especially if it enables you to scratch away at one or both of the rows of locked chocolate. When the board does open up, really concentrate on making the most of your subsequent moves: give absolute priority to making more special candies and keeping chocolate at bay. On mobile, it might be advisable to cycle the board until you get one that looks as though it might open up fairly readily.

Locked chocolate squares divide the board into four sections. The jelly squares on the bottom edge are hard to reach due to the locked chocolate. Therefore, creating a color bomb is impossible until at least one of the chocolate squares is unlocked and cleared. The jellies are worth 112,000 points. Hence, an additional 16,000 points is required to earn one star.

Crush Level Saga Level 1061 Details

Level Type: Jelly (See all Level Types)
Episode: Candy Town
Goal: crush 56 double jelly squares in 35 moves or fewer.
Candy Colors: 5
Max Score: 400,000 / 3 Stars

Here are the cheats and tips on how to beat Candy Crush level 1061:

Candy Crush Level 1061 Cheats

  • Focus on the top first
    Candy Crush Level 1061 tip
  • Combine striped and wrapped candies
    Candy Crush Level 1061 cheats
  • Continue to make special candies
    Candy Crush Level 1061 help

Level 1061 Tips & Help




Candy Crush Level 1061 Video Guide


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