candy crush level 327 cheats

Candy Crush: Level 327
Level Type: Jelly

These Candy Crush Level 327 cheats will help you beat level 327 on Candy Crush Saga easily. Candy Crush level 327 is the seventh level in Munchy Monolith and the 141st jelly level. To beat this level, you must crush 39 double jelly squares in 40 moves or fewer. You have 6 candy colors and 74 available spaces. You can get a maximum of 185,000 points.

Strategy: Try to take out the liquorice locks whenever possible, using combinations. The best combination is the color bomb + striped candy. This is also a great level for striped + wrapped combinations: if these are made in the middle, they can unlock and set off the pieces in the outer columns. You can even shoot horizontally striped candies at the unlocked special candies and set them off! All in all, some luck is needed to beat this level.

Some jellies may be hard to reach, especially in the corners of the board. Six colors makes the level considerably more difficult, due to the increased difficulty of creating special candies. But some of these special candies are provided for you. The jellies are worth 78,000 points. Hence, an additional 2,000 points is required to earn one star.

Crush Level Saga Level 327 Details

Level Type: Jelly (See all Level Types)
Episode: Candy Town
Goal: crush 39 double jelly squares in 40 moves or fewer.
Candy Colors: 6
Max Score: 185,000 / 3 Stars

Here are the cheats and tips on how to beat Candy Crush level 327:

Candy Crush Level 327 Cheats

  • Free the special candies.
    Candy Crush Level 327 tip
  • Chain your candy combinations.
    Candy Crush Level 327 cheats
  • Break the locked candies.
    Candy Crush Level 327 help

Level 327 Tips & Help

1The special candies frozen in marmalade are your best shot to beat this level. Freeing them as soon as possible to break down the other locked candies is key. Setting off these big reactions is one of your best options on this tough level. Try setting off a vertical striped candy reaction on either side.

2The jelly on this level is thoroughly spread throughout the board. You’re going to have to blast everywhere to break all the jelly tiles in time. Try to line up your special candy reactions so they set off other special candy reactions.

3The locked candies are not on jelly tiles on this level. Therefore you do not HAVE to break them to win. However, they are very disruptive to setting up combos on the side of the level. Breaking them with a reaction might make your life a lot easier.

Candy Crush Level 327 Video Guide


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